Paine Memorial Free Library
Paine Memorial Free Library
2 Gilliland Lane, Willsboro, NY 12996
2 Gilliland Lane, Willsboro, NY 12996
Library Policies
Below please find a list of policies for Paine Memorial Free Library. Please note that each member library in the Clinton-Essex-Franklin Library system has their own unique policies. Please refer to each member library for use of their materials.
- Open Meeting Policy: All public and association libraries are subject to the open meetings law (Education Law, Section 260-a).
- Confidentiality of Library Records: All public and association libraries are required to keep library records confidential according to Civil Practice Laws and Rules, Section 4509.
- Internet Use Policy: Chapter 357 of the Laws of 2000 requires that the Board of Trustees of a public, free association or Indian library, which provides public access to the Internet, establish a policy governing patron use of computer terminals that access the Internet. The law provides that a verification of such policy shall be included in the annual report submitted to the State Education Department.
- Conflict of Interest Policy: All public and association libraries are subject to Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, Section 715-a.
- Whistle Blower Policy: All public and association libraries with twenty or more employees AND an annual revenue in excess of one million dollars in the previous fiscal year are subject to Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, Section 715-b. (Note that this is required only for certain libraries.)
- Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy: All public and association libraries are subject to Labor Law, Section 201-G. All employers in NYS are required to have a sexual harassment prevention policy and are required to provide sexual harassment prevention training. Additional information is provided at https://www.ny.gov/combating-sexual-harassment-workplace/employers
Collection Development and Maintenance Policy
Overdue,Lost, Damaged Return Policy
Policy and Protocol for Recording in the Library
Meeting Minutes:
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